Day Neutral

Day Neutral strawberries will fruit all summer long.  Instead of one big flush, these plants keep developing flowers and subsequent fruit throughout the summer season.

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Albion Day Neutral (MA)

$0.28 - $1.20
Albion The most popular day neutral strawberry for the Upper Midwest. Large, good tasting conical fruit, high yields.      

Seascape – Day Neutral (MA)

$0.28 - $1.20
Seascape Fruit is smaller than Albion, but has excellent flavor. Blossom production may be reduced following hot weather.  Produces fruit 12-14 weeks after planting.

Mara de Bois

$0.28 - $1.20
This variety will produces small to medium fruit, but contain some of the best flavor and fragrance of all day-neutral varieties. Considered lower yielding, it’s fruit quality can demand a premium to compensate for this.


$0.28 - $1.20
A newer variety out of England, Evie-2 will yield more than most day-neutrals. Less sensitive to warm temperatures that can shut down mid-summer production.

San Andreas

$0.28 - $1.20
San Andreas is known for its high productivity, producing large, delicious fruit. Expect a consistent yield of high-quality fruit from early in the season through the summer.