Raspberry Planting Guidelines
Raspberries should be planted 1-2 feet apart within rows that are 6-8 feet apart. Make sure the rows are wide enough apart for a tractor and mower. Maintaining rows is critical to reduce insect and disease pressure. Red raspberries spread underground and will either form dense stands or sprout in neighboring crops. Sod tends to keep raspberries from invading other crops, and grass should be planted the first or second year of raspberry establishment.
With good growth, summer raspberries will produce a half crop the year after planting and a full crop two years after planting. To maximize growth, keep plants free of weeds for the first year. Raspberries often grow better with added compost. Leaf and cane diseases are a problem in the Upper Midwest. Growers who want to avoid fungicides can minimize diseases in summer raspberries by mowing plants every other year.
Raspberries – Spotted Wing Drosophila Control Practices
Spotted Wing Drosophila is best controlled by using the following practices:
Harvest frequently and remove all fruit
Store all picked fruit at temperatures near 34
Keep rows narrow
Use insect exclusion netting
Grow raspberries in high tunnels with insect exclusion netting.