Late MidSeason

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Cabot (MA)

$0.25 - $1.04
Cabot strawberry is known for its huge berries, excellent flavor, winter hardiness and disease resistance. It is by far the best-tasting big berry ever! Our customer survey indicates Cabot is best adapted for northern locations and where very large fruit size is required.

Darselect (MA)

$0.23 - $0.30
Darselect Produces large dark red, almost purple fruit. Plants have moderate hardiness and leaves are susceptible to powdery mildew

Jewel (MA)

$0.23 - $1.04
Jewel Origin: Geneva, New York The most popular variety in southern Minnesota. Plants are vigorous and tall, but moderately susceptible to winter injury. Fruit is large and bright red. Handles heat during picking better than other varieties. Moderately susceptible to leaf spot.

Flavorfest (MA)

$0.23 - $1.04
Flavorfest Origin: USDA, Beltsville, Maryland Produces bright red, irregular shaped fruit with good flavor. Plants are vigorous and hardy.

Dickens (MA)

$0.25 - $0.32
The fruit has a short conic shape and produces multiple fruiting laterals. This variety fruits to a good sweet flavor with a bright red skin color and red interior.

AAC-Evelyn (NS)

Mid-season to late variety, with a very good hardiness et very good productivity. Very, very large, shiny, flavorful and elongated berries.