Yambu is an early mid-season variety with a similar ripening season as Honeoye, one of its parents. Plants are very vigorous and dark green in color. We have not experienced foliage disease pressure to this point nor any special nutrient requirements. Fruit is a bright red color, attractive, with uniform shape and glossy skin. A long fruiting, very product variety, flavor is excellent with a sweet taste.
Approximate Strawberry Plants Required per Acre
Rows Distance | Plants Distance | Plants per Acre |
3.5 ft. apart | 18 in. | 8,300 |
3.5 ft. apart | 24 in. | 6,225 |
4 ft. apart | 18 in. | 7,300 |
4 ft. apart | 24 in. | 5,500 |
5 ft. apart | 18 in. | 5,800 |
5 ft. apart | 24 in. | 4,400 |
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